lundi 1 juin 2009

England spirit

Hi everyone !
For today, as my post deals with the most beautiful cloudy country , I'll write only in English (if some of you really want it to be written in French, they can go cooking eggs ! I'm joking of course, I'll write a French trad !), the idea came to me while I was making my hebdomary visit on Asos, and suddenly I felt in love with the last Religion tops , orned with the famous Union Jack and in a very very rebel student style , love it ! I'm actually dreaming of the cardi of course ! Oh my little cardi-cardi-cardigan ....! I become crazy sometimes when I see something which overtakes my understanding (philosophy when you hold me !).
Well, and to celebrate that, I concocted a hit of a few famous England's classics :

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I do like the union jack! yay you are back ;)

Ash Fox a dit…

i love love those jackets!

Astrid a dit…

Le pull de la 1ère photo et le blazer de la seconde sont supers beauux ! :O