Hi dears!
Well, nothing new, holidays'inspiration, the one you'd never get when you're working because you have other things to think to, so this morning (hum, okay, it was about 4 A.M! Caus' that's my mornings at the moment, not really glamourous , isn't it?!), I remembered that I had lots of denims I only wear in winter since I'm too hapy to wear my shorts in summer, and so I tried my boyfiriend's favorite's pair and then I think in the deepest space of my head: "hey, girl why won't you try the others, you know, the other pair of Wrangler you hate since a few months (caus' you know I love take back things I've hated, like for instance the little black dress above this post ), more, it has braces you never wear too...."yes, I was on a clue, this tee was the lacking tee of my wardrobe, caus' before those braces were impossible to wear ,the top was always too short or it didn't fit well with them.And finally, after a few folds, I was really happy of my find, as if I has found a treasure .
The girl's behaviour with clothes can be so animal sometimes.It would be perfect with a pair of Penny Loafers, don't you agree ?
Bonsoir tout le monde, une fois n'est pas coutume, j'ai jugé opportun ce soir de privilégier nos amis les anglo-saxons. Bref, j'ai retrouvé mes vêtements d'hiver pour les mixer avec ceux d'été histoire de créer un métissage sympathique, simplement je me suis souvenue de ce jean ce matin, et de ses bretelles amovibles que je n'avais jamais pu porter manque de hauts adaptables à la tenue, il se trouve que ce tee-shirt-ci est parfait. Je ne vous le cache pas, j'étais fière de ma trouvaille, il ne me manque plus qu'une paire de penny loafers et le tour est joué, avec un perf' ou un cardi je ressemble à un héros américain 50's, si sexy ....
à la prochaine pour une autre tenue dont je suis pas mal fière, en fait je crois qu'il va y en avoir pas mal, pour le plaisir de vos yeux, de mon blog, et de ma self-estime !
8 commentaires:
I love the outfit and sandals! :) x
hey sweetie ♥
thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog - sorry it's taken so long to reply but this week has been crazyyy busy! i've been filming for a short fashion programme for my blog that will be up on the 24th august... SO exciting! and i've been working lotsss to afford gorgeous new A/W clothes :)
yessss i LOVE the topshop a/w collection, it's incredible isn't it? i'm such a topshop addict! i was actually filming in topshop today for the fashion programme, showing their a/w collection.
and i think we could be good friends too, would be great to meet someday! if you're ever in london let me know! x
♥ Hannah
I really like the sandals.
Thanks for your compliments about my work Tiph :) I’m sure I could come up with something for ya. You know, I’m always inspired! It just depends on the day. I’ll sit down in my studio with a cappuccino and see what I can do! What size does it need to be? XXOXOXOX DAKOTA RICO
p.s I might not be super racey in doing it, but sure, I don't mind at all! I always need new project models, I'm run up with boutique work at the moment, but like I said, inspire inspire inspire. :) I'd love to do something for you. :) XOXOXOX
les sandales sont superbe !!
ces bretelles sont juste géniale!!!!! je rêve d'en avoir une paire!!!! au passage, félicitation pour ton saut et ton blog, très chouette!!
tres sympa cette tenue !
je decouvre ton blog, j'aime bcp !
Woow, j'adore tes bretelles !
(Je suis Astrid, on s'est croisé à la soirée de Charlotte, pour l'anniv de Nirmou, J'suis une amie de Quentin WayfarerMan :D Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de moi... mais bon).
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