I don't pretend to be original by presenting this outfit today, I wore that to go to the cinema the other day to watch (for the second time!) Inglorious Basterds , my Tarantino's favorite one after Pulp Fiction ! Well the striped tee and the boots open toe have been wore by the entire blogo during the summer, but it has always its stylish effect, and you can wear it with every jacket you want : the boyfriend blazer, the sequins one, the fanfare jacket or even the moto one !

On l'a vue partout cette marinière, la même chose pour les bottines d'été, mais j'ai bien saisi à l'occasion de mes balades sur la blogo que personne n'arrivait à s'en passer, le must avec cette tenue ? Autant d'options que de coupes de vestes : la veste à sequins, le blazer d'homme, la veste de motard (un brin plus originale que les deux précédentes en ce moment !) et la veste de fanfare à la h&m. C'est pourquoi on l'aime cette tenue, on peut la marier avec n'importe quelle pièce,elle aura toujours son petit effet marin rockeur !
*marinière du boyfriend (h&m) *jean(haillon) g-star *bottines Zara
6 commentaires:
Heyyy, thanks for the really sweet comment you left on my blog defending me against that girl hehe ♥
Take a look at my blog to watch me in a new fashion programme! I look hideous though :P
LOVE this outfit, and those gorgeoussss boots! Are they being sold in Zara at the moment? I need some!!! x
yes im tall lol, 6ft! but my friends are both 5'3 which makes me look taller =P
glad you liked the show! I think i look more like my photos than i do like me in that programme... but in the programme that will be up next week i look more normal! more like the real me! <3
I love the shoes :) and the striped top looks great as well
Love the shoes! And the top as well! I love Tarantino as well, I need to see Inglorious Barsterds badly.
sweet shoes
j'aime bcp, aussi bien la marinière que les chaussures.
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